
Snowflake Socialist Media Corp. is a donations-supported 501(i) non-exempt nonprofit organization created by the administration of the appdot.net Mastodon instance. It is operated as a social club.

Formed in 2023 in Delaware (and operated in Virginia), the purpose of the organization is to provide:

  • transparency to its users regarding operational costs and the use of donations to meet those costs
  • updates regarding governance and decisions affecting the instance
  • a legal point of contact and protective shield for its operator
  • designated backup trustees in case of death or incapacitation of its operator


President / Operator / Moderator
Joshua Nozzi

Moderator / Backup Trustee (Primary)
Larry Anderson

Backup Trustee (Secondary)
Ronnie Lutes

Please send all correspondence and legal notices for SSMC and the appdot.net site to:

Snowflake Socialist Media Corp.
c/o Delaware Corporate Headquarters
8 The Green, Ste A
Dover, DE 19901
United States of America